Thanks for joinÂing me for the stream! Hit conÂtinÂue readÂing to get the levÂel codes for everyÂthing I played tonight so you can try them yourself!
PerÂplexÂing Pipe PanÂdeÂmoÂniÂum! E1F2-0000–0013-1D55
CasÂtle ConunÂdrum! B052-0000–003A-DD95
Stand Still D79C-0000–00D8-AE6F
RadÂiÂcal Cheep Cheep SurfÂing 3382–0000-00D3-429D
Super AirÂship Pilot Wings 64 E310-0000–00D0-759C
Ghost House Test 1 7609–0000-009D-9857
ThwomÂpiÂvaÂtor 7EE9-0000–007B-0338
Who Turned On Easy Mode? 179B-0000–007E-1C16