One of the biggest new things to come out of gam­ing on smart­phones is the con­cept of free-to-play games. Like any new con­cept that hits it big, the mar­ket has been sat­u­rat­ed with these titles and some shady busi­ness prac­tices have already emerged. True enough, in this mod­el of game devel­op­ment, the mon­ey has to come from some­where, but find­ing a way to do that and still make a qual­i­ty game is not some­thing we’re see­ing a lot of out of that mar­ket. Sony Online Enter­tain­ment, with the release of the PS4, is look­ing to change that by offer­ing up some titles that take advan­tage of the free-to-play mod­el while still main­tain­ing a high lev­el of qual­i­ty in their games.


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