Table­top gam­ing has been some­thing I’ve only got­ten deep­er into with the last few years, while my video game hob­by has been around since I could hold a con­troller. Since I start­ed get­ting more into play­ing board games, I’ve been excit­ed to see the two types of games blend togeth­er. There has been no bet­ter exam­ple of this con­cept than Hand of Fate. Tak­ing some core con­cepts of table­top gam­ing, like draw­ing cards for ran­dom chance encoun­ters, and mix­ing them with video game con­cepts like real-time com­bat encoun­ters, it worked sur­pris­ing­ly well. Hand of Fate 2 takes all of this and expands upon every­thing adding more ele­ments and improv­ing the over­all struc­ture of how the game is played to make for an even bet­ter blend.


Check out the rest of the post on the main ESH page!

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