I still hold to my orig­i­nal review of Met­al Gear Sol­id V: The Phan­tom Pain when I said that it may just be one of the best games ever made. It speaks vol­umes about a game when you can spend dozens of hours just doing side mis­sions because they are out­right fun to do. Koji­ma and his team nailed the game­play for­mu­la for this final Met­al Gear Sol­id game. The Fox Engine also ensured the game looks absolute­ly gor­geous which tons of weath­er effects and some of the best tex­tures I’ve seen.


While lack­ing in vol­ume, I very much enjoyed the sto­ry present in the game. Have I men­tioned yet that you have a pet dog/wolf that wears and eye­patch and can jump on ene­mies and taze them? Yeah, that’s def­i­nite­ly a thing. The lev­el of intri­ca­cy and detail you would expect from Koji­ma is here in spades as well. There is a tape you can find that fools guards by get­ting in a port-o-pot­ty and play­ing the sound of some­one with diar­rhea. I could go on for quite a while about the indi­vid­ual crazy things you can do in Met­al Gear Sol­id V: The Phan­tom Pain, which makes it a per­fect can­di­date for num­ber 2 on my top 10 list for the year.

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