Before play­ing a moment of Until Dawn, I knew it was going to be a hit with me. As an avid fan of both the hor­ror genre and the nar­ra­tive-dri­ven games I knew this game would be tail­er-made to scratch all of the right itch­es for my var­i­ous inter­ests. Antic­i­pat­ing this, I record­ed my entire first play-through and had a blast while doing so. Since then, to see what var­i­ous effects choic­es might have, I have played through the entire game anoth­er three times. Even with the rel­a­tive­ly low amount of time it takes to com­plete the game, this is quite a bit of time and clocks in eas­i­ly as one of my most-played games of the year.


One of the most fun things about Until Dawn has also been dis­cussing how the sto­ry turned out for friends that also played. Near­ly every­one I talked to, that did­n’t cheat, end­ed up with a dif­fer­ent set of liv­ing teenagers at the end, which shows just how much vari­ety you can get. The hor­ror genre is per­fect for this kind of game that splits in mul­ti­ple direc­tions and the per­for­mances by the cast were the per­fect epit­o­miza­tion of the clich­es of the genre. I prob­a­bly would’ve loved this game either way, but the com­mu­ni­ty that devel­oped around stream­ing it made it all the more fun. I can’t wait to see what they do with a sequel, but for now this game will do nice­ly as my num­ber 3 game on my top 10 games for the year.

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