There is always that one game you keep hear­ing good things about, but put off play­ing it until the last minute. Tales From the Bor­der­lands was that game for me this year. It’s fair­ly easy to ignore praise for a game when it feels like you don’t have time, but I’m glad I final­ly gave it a shot this time, because this may be Tell­tale’s best work since the first sea­son of The Walk­ing Dead. Sport­ing inter­est­ing and well-writ­ten char­ac­ters, this adven­ture game had me laugh­ing my butt off sev­er­al times, which is some­thing more of Tell­tale’s games should explore.


Being fun­ny in a video game is dif­fi­cult and hap­pens more rarely than I would like. Tales From the Bor­der­lands made me laugh until I cried at least once dur­ing the sea­son. I won’t spoil all the details, but let me just say it involved fin­ger guns. The game sports a stel­lar cast of some of my favorite voice actors as well, fea­tur­ing heavy hit­ters like Nolan North, Troy Bak­er, Lau­ra Bai­ley and Patrick War­bur­ton. Con­sid­er­ing the game is set in the uni­verse of Bor­der­lands, a series I only have a cur­so­ry under­stand­ing of, it does a spec­tac­u­lar job of being wel­com­ing to folks new to the series. All that makes it a shoe-in for num­ber 5 on my top 10 list for the year.

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