Lara Croft has come in and out of vogue so many times I’ve lost count. This last reboot they’ve done how­ev­er, seems to be stick­ing the land­ing in just the right way. Rise of the Tomb Raider, though not my favorite name, address­es sev­er­al of the main con­cerns with the 2008 reboot and expands upon the new for­mu­la in thought­ful ways. It was even engag­ing enough to pull me away from Fall­out 4 until I was fin­ished, which is say­ing a lot about the qual­i­ty of the game.


Return­ing to pre­vi­ous areas in the old­er game did­n’t quite make enough sense to do very often. One of my favorite things in this game was unlock­ing new tombs and trea­sures once I had got­ten a new piece of gear. It gives you ample oppor­tu­ni­ty to return to old­er areas and the rewards for doing so were fun enough to war­rant the extra effort. They also made sure to include more chal­lenge tombs this time around which, seem­ing as the series is main­ly about raid­ing them, I was glad to see. They were my favorite part of this game and a great rea­son to place Rise of the Tomb Raider as my num­ber 6 game in my top 10 games for the year.

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