I nev­er would have imag­ined in my wildest dreams that an iOS game would end up on my top 10 list. Much less this close to the top, but I have to say that Year Walk real­ly impressed me. First of all for being one of those games that freaked me out enough that I actu­al­ly had to take breaks occas­sion­al­ly. It’s a scary game and I feel like I don’t rat­tle ter­ri­bly easily.

yearwalk_3The next part of how this game impressed me comes from how it all comes togeth­er. Suf­fice it to say, you’ll need to down­load the free com­pan­ion app to see every­thing this game has to offer and the pay­off is worth it. I was also fas­ci­nat­ed by the use of the var­i­ous myth­i­cal fig­ures and actu­al­ly enjoyed read­ing about how they all fac­tored into the Year Walk uni­verse. With all of this togeth­er, I found a game that tru­ly deserves the num­ber 3 spot on my top 10 list of this year.

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