One of the most antic­i­pat­ed releas­es for the Wii U this year, this game deliv­ered on the promis­es it made. Strat­e­gy and explo­ration are the name of the game for Pik­min 3 and the new visu­als and added fea­tures made for improve­ments all around. With some new vari­ety of the tiny crea­tures and a struc­ture that does away with the over­all time-lim­it of the game, this made for a very fresh-feel­ing experience.


New game modes, includ­ing the abil­i­ty to final­ly play some mul­ti­play­er, added even more depth and fun to the series. It was great fun to coor­di­nate plans ahead of tack­ling the col­lec­tion and ene­my-bat­tling stages. The com­pet­i­tive mode was also a great deal of fun and had some clever twists to keep the game feel­ing fair. Def­i­nite­ly a must-own if you have a Wii U and very deserv­ing of its num­ber 7 spot on my top 10 list.

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