Join me for some neck-slashÂing action at 9pm EST! Feel...
Month: August 2016
Why This Game? Aside from being a pretÂty rad mulÂtiÂplayÂer...
Join me for some SamuÂrai-Souls action at 9pm EST! Feel...
Why This Game? I have been sitÂting on this one...
Join me for some BeheÂmoth-huntÂing action at 9pm EST! Feel...
Why This Game? ReachÂing the end of a game and...
NosÂtalÂgia often has a way of creepÂing into the...
Join me for some uniÂverse-explorÂing action at 9pm EST! Feel...
NevÂer in my life have I been more conÂcerned...
Join me for some killer-for-hire action at 9pm EST! Feel...