Nev­er in my life have I been more con­cerned with the laten­cy on my wire­less key­board since I start­ed play­ing SEUM: Speedrun­ners from Hell. Tak­ing first-per­son puz­zle solv­ing and ramp­ing up the speed to the max, this speedrun­ning game imme­di­ate­ly drew me in with its sense of humor and fun design. Span­ning around one hun­dred lev­els, the game gets pro­gres­sive­ly hard­er as you descend deep­er into its depths. Come on a jour­ney to hell with me and help me fig­ure out if the insane tough­ness of those lat­er lev­els crush­es the game’s pac­ing or sim­ply changes its nature.


Check out the rest of the post on the main ESH page!

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