With every big sys­tem launch, there’s always a line to stand in. If you reserved the con­sole, your place in line isn’t as big a deal, but there’ll still be a bit of wait­ing asso­ci­at­ed with the big day.  So, the ques­tion becomes, what do you do while wait­ing to bring home your new piece of tech­nol­o­gy?  This is a ques­tion that I will need to face tomor­row morn­ing, so here are 5 things I will be doing while in line for the Wii U tomorrow.

 1. Play Some Paper Mario: Stick­er Star

About a week ago, I picked up Paper Mario: Stick­er Star and have been great­ly enjoy­ing it.  While very dif­fer­ent in pace and struc­ture from the pre­vi­ous entries of the series, I find it to be super easy to jump in and out of quick­ly.  This makes it a good game to play on a com­mute or per­haps while wait­ing in line for a new Nin­ten­do con­sole to release.  It’s also a pret­ty sure bet that some oth­er peo­ple will have their 3DS with them and I’m always up for some more Street­pass tags.

2. Chat with some excit­ed Nin­ten­do fans

I love wait­ing in line dur­ing a launch.  Does that sound weird?  One of my favorite parts of the whole process is feel­ing the air of excite­ment around the impend­ing release and what bet­ter way to do just that than by talk­ing to some fel­low fans that feel the same way.  I great­ly enjoy hear­ing about what games oth­er peo­ple are get­ting and why they chose the selec­tion of prod­ucts their pick­ing up.

3. Wish I Had Reserved It In New York

It seems as though the Wii U was a pret­ty hard thing to get at mid­night.  Folks who reserved it at Gamestop, like myself, are wait­ing until the next morn­ing to get it.  My local store isn’t open­ing their doors tomor­row until around 11am, so I’ll like­ly be think­ing about all the lucky folks up at the Nin­ten­do World Store in New York City who’ll be get­ting the sys­tem at midnight.

4. Read­ing Some Impres­sions From Others

Smart phones are a beau­ti­ful inven­tion.  This piece of tech­nol­o­gy will allow me to go on the inter­net and find infor­ma­tion about the prod­uct I’m about to get while I wait in line for the device.  While I’d real­ly like to keep a lot of the basic sys­tem stuff in the dark so I can expe­ri­ence it first­hand when I pow­er on my new con­sole, reviews and impres­sions of the launch titles are fair game.

5. Live tweet the whole thing

I’ll be doing live updates on my twit­ter account (@Hamsterman2049) while in line the whole time.  Keep an eye out for these tweets with pic­tures of me pick­ing up the new con­sole and my jour­ney home.

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