AlcheÂmy has always seemed like one of those conÂcepts that transÂfers into the world of RPGs perÂfectÂly. GathÂerÂing resources and turnÂing them into equipÂment, medÂiÂcine and othÂer useÂful items is a perÂfect fit for both the gameÂplay and fanÂtasÂtiÂcal setÂtings of these games. The AteÂlier series has been around for quite a while provÂing this conÂcept with some fun and creÂative JRPGs. I perÂsonÂalÂly hadÂn’t played any of the preÂviÂous entries in the series before, but as a playÂer who has parÂtakÂen in many through the years, I was excitÂed to give this series a try. AteÂlier Firis: The Alchemist and the MysÂteÂriÂous JourÂney cerÂtainÂly has a lot going on, with sevÂerÂal very interÂestÂing qualÂiÂties I haven’t seen elseÂwhere, but isn’t parÂticÂuÂlarÂly friendÂly to new players.