Alche­my has always seemed like one of those con­cepts that trans­fers into the world of RPGs per­fect­ly. Gath­er­ing resources and turn­ing them into equip­ment, med­i­cine and oth­er use­ful items is a per­fect fit for both the game­play and fan­tas­ti­cal set­tings of these games. The Ate­lier series has been around for quite a while prov­ing this con­cept with some fun and cre­ative JRPGs. I per­son­al­ly had­n’t played any of the pre­vi­ous entries in the series before, but as a play­er who has par­tak­en in many through the years, I was excit­ed to give this series a try. Ate­lier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mys­te­ri­ous Jour­ney cer­tain­ly has a lot going on, with sev­er­al very inter­est­ing qual­i­ties I haven’t seen else­where, but isn’t par­tic­u­lar­ly friend­ly to new players.


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