ValĀ­ue is one of the most subĀ­jecĀ­tive conĀ­cepts in the world and thus can be difĀ­fiĀ­cult to nail down. SomeĀ­thing that might be of great valĀ­ue to one perĀ­son can just as easĀ­iĀ­ly be a terĀ­riĀ­ble deal for someĀ­one else. Spurned by the release of MetĀ­al Gear SolĀ­id V: Ground Zeroes, this is a topĀ­ic that has been disĀ­cussed freĀ­quentĀ­ly in the last week. There is a sysĀ­tem which I use to judge how much valĀ­ue someĀ­thing has in relaĀ­tion to the amount of time is spent enjoyĀ­ing it. Iā€™d like to share that with you today, but know that you may not agree with it, and thatā€™s perĀ­fectĀ­ly okay, itā€™s just someĀ­thing that has worked for me in the past.


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