Trad­ing card games were kind of my thing when I was grow­ing up. I dab­bled in Mag­ic: The Gath­er­ing and even man­aged to get creamed in a few Poké­mon tour­na­ments. It was­n’t until I tried out the Yu-Gi-Oh! card game that I real­ly hit my stride. I’ve long since been out of it, but in my day I won a few tour­na­ments and even got ver­i­fied as a judge. As such, I was excit­ed to try out the new Yu-Gi-Oh! Lega­cy of the Duelist game from Kon­a­mi. Mak­ing the lore of the TV series the focus, the game has some great ideas, but is being held back by a few issues.


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