PlatinumTrine2 Why This Game? The plat­inum require­ments for this game baf­fles me. Pret­ty much all of them are skill-based, all but one of the tro­phies are gold and you don’t even have to fin­ish the game. In short, to answer the orig­i­nal ques­tion, this one is seemed very quick. Cau­tion: This is refer­ring only to the orig­i­nal PS3 release and not Trine 2: Com­plete Sto­ry that is also avail­able for the PS4.

Was it Quick? As it turns out, yes, this one lived up to expec­ta­tions. With 12 tro­phies required to earn the plat­inum, I cranked this one out in a cou­ple of evenings. I would say it took me 3–4 hours total since I did not need to fin­ish the game. (9 out of 10)

Was it Easy? I’m going to say yes and no on this one. All of the tro­phies involve per­form­ing par­tic­u­lar tasks and while some of them are super easy, oth­ers can be quite tricky. One in par­tic­u­lar was shoot­ing 3 arrows in the air and then catch­ing them all with your shield. Not too dif­fi­cult if you’re play­ing with some­one else, but rea­son­ably tricky alone. Noth­ing ever felt com­plete­ly impos­si­ble, and in fact I did it all alone, but if you have a friend to help you out it could cer­tain­ly make it eas­i­er. Using a guide for this one is essen­tial, as you’re like­ly not going to acci­den­tal­ly stum­ble across a sin­gle tro­phy. (7 out of 10)

Was It Fun? Trine 2 is a pret­ty fun game when all is said and done. Since all you need to do in-between get­ting the tro­phies is play through the game, I’d call that a win. That being said, there were a few of the skill-based tro­phies that were a bit frus­trat­ing. Noth­ing was ever bad enough to ruin the expe­ri­ence though, so I had some good fun get­ting the plat­inum. (8 out of 10)

Any Oth­er Thoughts? This was one of the first plat­inum tro­phies I actu­al­ly felt a lit­tle bad about. I think it main­ly lies in the lack of a require­ment to fin­ish­ing the game. Gain­ing all the tro­phies being my main objec­tive, I did in fact bail on the game after that plat­inum popped. That felt unfair to what was oth­er­wise quite a fun game, but that was not the point of this exper­i­ment. My favorite thing about tro­phies is that they often enable you to expe­ri­ence things in a game you might oth­er­wise miss. While this cer­tain­ly deliv­ers, made clear by the obscure require­ments for each one, it for­got about the main point: fin­ish­ing the game. This tro­phy list reeks of a time when achievements/trophies were in their infan­cy and devel­op­ers did­n’t know what they want­ed to do with them. Tak­ing advan­tage of this as a tro­phy hunter, makes Trine 2 an easy tar­get for anoth­er plat­inum. Spe­cial Thanks to the fol­low­ing guide for help with this plat­inum:‑a/139658-trine-2-road-map-trophy-guide.html

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