Why This Game? The platÂinum requireÂments for this game bafÂfles me. PretÂty much all of them are skill-based, all but one of the troÂphies are gold and you don’t even have to finÂish the game. In short, to answer the origÂiÂnal quesÂtion, this one is seemed very quick. CauÂtion: This is referÂring only to the origÂiÂnal PS3 release and not Trine 2: ComÂplete StoÂry that is also availÂable for the PS4.
Was it Quick? As it turns out, yes, this one lived up to expecÂtaÂtions. With 12 troÂphies required to earn the platÂinum, I cranked this one out in a couÂple of evenings. I would say it took me 3–4 hours total since I did not need to finÂish the game. (9 out of 10)
Was it Easy? I’m going to say yes and no on this one. All of the troÂphies involve perÂformÂing parÂticÂuÂlar tasks and while some of them are super easy, othÂers can be quite tricky. One in parÂticÂuÂlar was shootÂing 3 arrows in the air and then catchÂing them all with your shield. Not too difÂfiÂcult if you’re playÂing with someÂone else, but reaÂsonÂably tricky alone. NothÂing ever felt comÂpleteÂly imposÂsiÂble, and in fact I did it all alone, but if you have a friend to help you out it could cerÂtainÂly make it easÂiÂer. Using a guide for this one is essenÂtial, as you’re likeÂly not going to acciÂdenÂtalÂly stumÂble across a sinÂgle troÂphy. (7 out of 10)
Was It Fun? Trine 2 is a pretÂty fun game when all is said and done. Since all you need to do in-between getÂting the troÂphies is play through the game, I’d call that a win. That being said, there were a few of the skill-based troÂphies that were a bit frusÂtratÂing. NothÂing was ever bad enough to ruin the expeÂriÂence though, so I had some good fun getÂting the platÂinum. (8 out of 10)
Any OthÂer Thoughts? This was one of the first platÂinum troÂphies I actuÂalÂly felt a litÂtle bad about. I think it mainÂly lies in the lack of a requireÂment to finÂishÂing the game. GainÂing all the troÂphies being my main objecÂtive, I did in fact bail on the game after that platÂinum popped. That felt unfair to what was othÂerÂwise quite a fun game, but that was not the point of this experÂiÂment. My favorite thing about troÂphies is that they often enable you to expeÂriÂence things in a game you might othÂerÂwise miss. While this cerÂtainÂly delivÂers, made clear by the obscure requireÂments for each one, it forÂgot about the main point: finÂishÂing the game. This troÂphy list reeks of a time when achievements/trophies were in their infanÂcy and develÂopÂers didÂn’t know what they wantÂed to do with them. TakÂing advanÂtage of this as a troÂphy hunter, makes Trine 2 an easy tarÂget for anothÂer platÂinum. SpeÂcial Thanks to the folÂlowÂing guide for help with this platÂinum: http://www.playstationtrophies.org/forum/trine-2‑a/139658-trine-2-road-map-trophy-guide.html