When the Xbox 360 launched back in 2005, they introĀ­duced a feaĀ­ture that would forĀ­evĀ­er change gamĀ­ing: AchieveĀ­ments. Since then, there have been strong and varyĀ­ing opinĀ­ions on the impliĀ­caĀ­tions of this feaĀ­ture. Some comĀ­paĀ­nies have gone on to copy the feaĀ­ture, while othĀ­ers have purĀ­poseĀ­ly avoidĀ­ed impleĀ­mentĀ­ing someĀ­thing like it. Valveā€™s Steam serĀ­vice, while it has an achieveĀ­ment sysĀ­tem of its own, has recentĀ­ly impleĀ­mentĀ­ed a brand new feaĀ­ture that some are sayĀ­ing is the future of gamĀ­ing achieveĀ­ments. With TradĀ­ing Cards enterĀ­ing the fray, I wantĀ­ed to take a secĀ­ond and look at the pros and cons of each stratĀ­eĀ­gy that has been tried thus far.


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