Video games based on the uniĀverse creĀatĀed by H.P. LoveĀcraft have come and gone over the years, with surĀprisĀingĀly few of them hitĀting the mark. SurĀprisĀingĀly, most of the sucĀcessĀes, like EterĀnal DarkĀness, were not direct interĀpreĀtaĀtions, but more looseĀly inspired by the works. The SinkĀing City, a new action mysĀtery game by the fine folks over at FrogĀwares, does the best job I have seen to this day at more directĀly interĀpretĀing these stoĀries by givĀing playĀers the opporĀtuĀniĀty to solve mysĀterĀies in a meanĀingĀful way while fightĀing back against the tide of madness.