Scary games tend to ter­ri­fy their audi­ences using jump scares most often. Some titles choose to go down a dif­fer­ent route and, while some of those same cheap thrills exist, they decide to make you real­ly think about what’s going on. In Soma, in between being chased down by weird div­er-look­ing under­wa­ter mon­sters or giant fish, your forced to make some dif­fi­cult choic­es that will not only have your sweat­ing bul­lets, but hav­ing to think hard about who you real­ly are and whether your per­cep­tion of your­self is real­ly true.


Soma was made by the cre­ators of Amne­sia: The Dark Descent, so expec­ta­tions for a scary expe­ri­ence were high going into the game. The jump scares don’t hap­pen near­ly so often with Soma, but the true ter­ror lies in the choic­es that you make and their impli­ca­tions. I was so total­ly sucked in to Soma that I had to keep play­ing to see what hap­pened next. Not in a long tim have I been as equalled enthralled and dis­turbed by a nar­ra­tive in a game as with Soma which makes it an easy pick for my num­ber 8 game in my top 10 games of the year.

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