Shift­ing per­spec­tives from a cramped insane asy­lum to the wide open spaces of a rur­al cult, Out­last 2 did not dis­ap­point in the scare depart­ment. Despite the envi­ron­ments being a lot more open, Out­last 2 leaves you feel­ing even more vul­ner­a­ble than the first game by often obscur­ing your view, as with the corn field, and forc­ing you to hide in water while hold­ing your breath. The scenes where you are trans­port­ed back to a trau­mat­ic event from your past added some inter­est­ing back sto­ry to the main char­ac­ter where there was lit­tle in the orig­i­nal game. In a year full of amaz­ing games, it says a lot about Out­last 2 that I con­sid­er it to be num­ber 10 on my list of the best games from 2017.


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