It seems as though no genre of game is too sacred for the inves­ti­ga­tion team of Per­sona 4 to break into. As the series has become more pop­u­lar, they’ve bro­ken out of the RPG mold to include a cou­ple fight­ing games and even their own ani­me. The lat­est adven­ture, Per­sona 4: Danc­ing All Night, as you may have gath­ered, is a rhythm game focused around the lik­able group of teenagers from the afore­men­tioned RPG. Regard­less of the change in genre, Atlus is cer­tain­ly treat­ing Danc­ing All Night as a canon entry in the Per­sona 4 uni­verse with its own expan­sive sto­ry mode and all the char­ac­ters you’d expect to see from the orig­i­nal game.


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