VirÂtuÂal realÂiÂty has often been used to insert playÂers into sitÂuÂaÂtions that would othÂerÂwise be imposÂsiÂble. Moss, one of the newest PlayStaÂtion VR titles, goes about this in a slightÂly difÂferÂent way. Instead of makÂing the playÂer the focus, each stage of the game is a sort of interÂacÂtive dioÂraÂma. ConÂtrolÂling the adorable mouse proÂtagÂoÂnist Quill, playÂers can make their way enviÂronÂmenÂtal puzÂzles by inspectÂing every nook and cranÂny of the tiny world set in front of them. It creÂates an expeÂriÂence that feel unique to VR and facilÂiÂtates a new sort of immerÂsion that is the breath of fresh air that VR needs right now.