Port­ing clas­sic games has become some­thing of an epi­dem­ic dur­ing this con­sole gen­er­a­tion. What’s worse is that, more often than not, these ports act as a reminder of just how far graph­ics in video games have come across the years. Rare excep­tions to this rule do occur and when treat­ed with the prop­er care, some games shine on the new­er plat­forms. If I had­n’t played it back on PS2, and you told me that Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir was a brand new game I would like­ly believe you. The upgrades they’ve made to this clas­sic action RPG were smart and the gor­geous graph­ics, a trade­mark of Vanillaware, looks as good today as they did back in 2007.


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