One of the most comÂmonÂly enjoyed activÂiÂties in video games might be surÂprisÂing. FunÂniÂly enough, in stark conÂtrast to realÂiÂty, peoÂple just love doing chores in video games. Enter one of the most popÂuÂlar of these games in the hisÂtoÂry: HarÂvest Moon. I got a chance to see a very earÂly build of the latÂest entry in the series, HarÂvest Moon: Seeds of MemÂoÂries, and NatÂsume has promised that they have takÂen many of the promisÂing feaÂtures from HarÂvest Moon: The Lost ValÂley and incorÂpoÂratÂed them into what makes the series speÂcial for this new title.