The goal, it seems, of the newest set of gamÂing platÂforms is to be a cenÂtral unit of enterÂtainÂment for your entire livÂing room. One comÂpaÂny that has done a pretÂty great job of infilÂtratÂing everyone’s livÂing room has to be Apple. It seems pretÂty stanÂdard for a house to at least have some comÂbiÂnaÂtion of iPad, iPod and iPhone someÂwhere in there. This begs the quesÂtion, is it realÂly the right angle to creÂate one thing that hanÂdles the entire livÂing room? This is the tacÂtic being attemptÂed by the Wii U and Xbox One, but Sony is takÂing an approach very simÂiÂlar to Apple by facilÂiÂtatÂing synÂerÂgy between both of their gamÂing platforms.