The goal, it seems, of the newest set of gam­ing plat­forms is to be a cen­tral unit of enter­tain­ment for your entire liv­ing room. One com­pa­ny that has done a pret­ty great job of infil­trat­ing everyone’s liv­ing room has to be Apple. It seems pret­ty stan­dard for a house to at least have some com­bi­na­tion of iPad, iPod and iPhone some­where in there. This begs the ques­tion, is it real­ly the right angle to cre­ate one thing that han­dles the entire liv­ing room? This is the tac­tic being attempt­ed by the Wii U and Xbox One, but Sony is tak­ing an approach very sim­i­lar to Apple by facil­i­tat­ing syn­er­gy between both of their gam­ing platforms.


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