Start­ing up the final episode of sea­son 3 for The Walk­ing Dead, I had a hard time imag­in­ing the endgame Tell­tale had in mind. The main antag­o­nist of the sea­son had already been dealt with and the fate of Rich­mond seemed pret­ty set in stone. There were cer­tain­ly a few sur­pris­es in there, I’ll get to that in a bit, but after fin­ish­ing up Javier’s sto­ry, I felt like they did­n’t quite make good on what made this sea­son unique: The flash­back sequences and your rela­tion­ship with David. Despite this, the thrills are still there and some dif­fi­cult deci­sions still had to be made in Episode 5: From the Gal­lows, which make this a rea­son­ably good sea­son of Tell­tale’s break­out adven­ture series.


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