Effective games always invoke a strong response from the player, whether positive or negative. Virtual reality has the added benefit of total immersion, which really ramps up any of those feelings. The game thus far that had the biggest effect on me has easily been Thumper. Hurtling the player down the lane at breakneck speeds, this trippy rhythm violence game succeeds at feeling immensely oppressive. The speed of the game feels equally impressive, especially with the VR headset strapped to your face.
One of the most interesting things I’ve noticed about Thumper involves its use of VR. The headset is optional, you can play it using a TV, but when I’m not using VR I am terrible at Thumper. Strap that headset back on my head and I become an expert at the game. It’s very interesting that while it’s not required, it can greatly affect how well I can play. I’ve always loved rhythm games and Thumper is top of its class. It takes a lot to dial into the beat and does some really cool with time signatures. It is elating to finishing a stage perfectly and I am still working toward getting that platinum trophy. As I blast down the space-beetle path, Thumper easily slams into the fourth spot in my top ten games of 2016.