Pick­ing the order of the top three games of 2017 was a night­mare. Each of these games are amaz­ing in their own right and rank­ing them was near impos­si­ble. That being said, I have decid­ed on an order and I am stick­ing to it! Super Mario Odyssey is a joy to play in near­ly every way. The bright and col­or­ful envi­ron­ments are packed with fun stuff to do and inter­act with, near­ly all of which will earn you some pow­er moons. I nev­er had a play ses­sion with Super Mario Odyssey where I felt that no progress had been made and I always spent the entire time smil­ing ear to ear. It has been a long while since we’ve got­ten a Mario game as open as this one and this could arguably be the best one that fol­lows that for­mu­la. The main game does­n’t over­stay its wel­come, allow­ing you to blast through each world and get a short intro­duc­tion before mov­ing on, but does­n’t dis­cour­age stick­ing around and play­ing in each king­dom for a lit­tle longer. There are some very fun sur­pris­es after the cred­its roll and the game is a great one to come back to every now and then for some relaxed fun. Super Mario Odyssey just bare­ly came in as the 3rd best game of 2017.


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