HavÂing recentÂly disÂcussed at length the issues of micro-transÂacÂtions in video game nowaÂdays, it seems to me the most disÂturbÂing thing about it all is that the line of what is DLC and what is a micro-transÂacÂtion is already becomÂing blurred. In that light, let me go right ahead and shine as bright a light on the difÂferÂence between the two so we can know what is okay and what is tryÂing to ruin gamÂing. Before I go into detail let me just proÂvide what I think is a pretÂty solÂid line between the two: DLC is conÂtent not origÂiÂnalÂly in a game that is perÂmaÂnentÂly unlocked by a one-time payÂment; a micro-transÂacÂtion is when monÂey is payed to either to speed up the process of unlockÂing conÂtent or to obtain items/currency that can be used up.