How could this have not end­ed up being my num­ber 1 game of the year? It was frankly a lit­tle unfair. The Last of Us is a game by vet­er­an game design Naughty Dog, of Unchart­ed fame, about a zom­bie apoc­a­lypse fea­tur­ing one of the strongest sto­ries of the year. I recent­ly changed the pic­ture on my cred­it card to be a pic­ture of the main char­ac­ters for cripes sake. All that aside, I think many peo­ple will even agree with me that this is the best game made in 2013.


As I men­tioned before, the hall­mark of this game is the incred­i­ble sto­ry. Nev­er have I been more moved by the first 20 min­utes of any­thing since I went to see Pixar’s Up in the­aters. Even after that, it was an incred­i­bly hard game to put down and I found myself con­stant­ly push­ing for­ward to see what came next. I also, on sev­er­al occa­sions, exclaimed “Oh Snap!” to an emp­ty room because of some­thing that hap­pened. The game is also eas­i­ly the best-look­ing game I’ve played this year, which is a bit embar­rass­ing for the next-fen con­soles that launched lat­er in the year. The design of the world made it easy to get sucked in and the per­for­mance cap­ture of the char­ac­ters and the voice-over was top-notch as well. There’s real­ly very lit­tle to find fault in with this game, so I’ll just declare it my num­ber 1 game on my top 10 list of the year and call it a year. See you in 2014 everyone!

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