Motion sickÂness is one of the few things that still worÂries me about VR takÂing off in a big way. Every perÂson is difÂferÂent, and while I don’t get parÂticÂuÂlarÂly motion sick, there are plenÂty of peoÂple close to me that do. As I was preparÂing to head out to E3 2016, an email popped into my inbox about a prodÂuct that claimed to offer relief from motion sickÂness for gamers, specifÂiÂcalÂly citÂing VR. ReliefÂband already has a hisÂtoÂry with preÂventÂing nauÂsea and may just be the perÂfect tool to strap on your wrist when visÂitÂing your virÂtuÂal world of choice.