Recent­ly, my father-in-law was stay­ing with me and my spouse lead­ing up to the New Year. One evening, while my wife slept, I decid­ed to show off Wolfen­stein: The New Order to both enter­tain my guest and make some progress in the sto­ry. As I played, he enjoyed the alter­nate his­to­ry aspects of it and we end­ed up play­ing for quite a while. So long, in fact, that I end­ed up com­plet­ing the game. What I wasn’t expect­ing was his reac­tion when the cred­its began to roll. He was absolute­ly floored that I’d fin­ished the game and was prac­ti­cal­ly gush­ing at the ease of my vic­to­ry. I was com­plete­ly con­fused by his reac­tion until I dis­cussed it with my spouse a bit lat­er when she said that it was like­ly he was so impressed because he may have nev­er actu­al­ly beat­en a game before.


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