Table­top gam­ing is some­thing I only became pas­sion­ate about in the last few years, but it has real­ly sunk its fangs into me. Were­wolf, or Mafia as I played it in col­lege, has always been one of my favorite games because of the vari­ety and sto­ries cre­at­ed while play­ing. Escape rooms have also recent­ly become a huge phe­nom­e­non late­ly and, as a huge puz­zle fan, I’ve tried quite a few around where I live. This year, the Indiecade, which is my favorite place at E3 to spot awe­some new games, host­ed a few table­top games. Escape Room in a Box: The Were­wolf Exper­i­ment imme­di­ate­ly drew my atten­tion by com­bin­ing both of these con­cepts and I man­aged to secure a seat to play it at the show.


Check out the rest of the post on the main ESH page!

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