VR has final­ly arrived and it was a major part of the show floor this year at E3 2016. While there are many amaz­ing things that are cur­rent­ly being devel­oped for VR, one of the most excit­ing for me per­son­al­ly is hor­ror. Amp­ing up the atmos­phere by throw­ing you com­plete­ly into that world, there’s noth­ing scari­er than a spooky VR game. Nar­co­sis puts you in the shoes of a per­son that has been strand­ed deep under­wa­ter and must find their way back to the sur­face. Sneaky div­er suits and giant spi­ders are only the begin­ning of the mad­ness found in this deep sea hor­ror game.


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