Edged out pret­ty nar­row­ly by The Leg­end of Zel­daRes­i­dent Evil is one of my favorite video games series. I could talk to you for quite a while about how amaz­ing most of the games in this series are, but I’d like to get a lit­tle more spe­cif­ic today. In antic­i­pa­tion of Res­i­dent Evil 7 launch­ing in one week, I decid­ed to fill the most glar­ing gap in my knowl­edge of the series by final­ly fin­ish­ing the infa­mous sixth entry. Res­i­dent Evil 6 was a high­ly con­tentious game and as a huge fan, I have many thoughts to share. So, sit down with me as I explore my feel­ings about Res­i­dent Evil 6 long after prop­er expec­ta­tions had been set.


Check out the rest of the post on the main ESH page!

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