Plat­form­ing sec­tions in first-per­son games can be noto­ri­ous­ly hard if they’re not done well. Spot­ting plat­forms while you’re jump­ing and nail­ing tar­gets mid-air is tough as nails, but if the con­trols are tight enough it can feel real­ly good. Dead­Core has you steadi­ly climb­ing a tow­er full of dead­ly traps and giant leaps, but as through the adver­si­ty of mak­ing it through this gaunt­let, you will even­tu­al­ly feel like a first-per­son god of plat­form­ing. Not every sec­tion is strong, but what is there is chal­leng­ing enough to real­ly make you feel like you earned it.



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