Auto­bots and Decep­ti­cons spent quite a bit of time bat­tling it out on my play­room floor when I was young. They were some of the coolest toys around back then and I still con­sid­er The Trans­form­ers: The Movie, the ani­mat­ed one not the Michael Bay joint, to be one of my favorite ani­mat­ed films. Thus, when I heard that Plat­inumGames, the team behind games like Bay­o­net­ta and Met­al Gear Ris­ing: Revengeance, were putting togeth­er a Trans­form­ers game, my inter­est was piqued in a big way. The end result, Trans­form­ers: Dev­as­ta­tion, is the Trans­form­ers pow­er fan­ta­sy my child­hood self has been wait­ing for all this time.


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