Microsoft unveiled their new, let’s call it an entertainment system, yesterday and the internet exploded with opinions. A few of them have been good, quite a lot have been negative and some have even fallen into neutral. I definitely have opinions of the Xbox One from what I saw yesterday, but they may not be what you think if you followed my Twitter feed during the reveal. Let’s dive into this cross-examination style with a segment I’m going to call: Leading the Witness.
So, Ben, did you enjoy the Xbox One reveal yesterday?
Thanks for asking, no I did not. That’s not to say it wasn’t a well-executed reveal, it was just geared towards an audience with which I have very little in common. I don’t have a cable subscription, I don’t follow sports at all, I’ve never gotten into the Forza series and I’ve really only played one of the Call of Duty games. The main reason I got so easily and quickly frustrated was that it raised a lot of red flags of similarity to their E3 presentation last year which quite frankly bored me.
Will you be picking up the system when it comes out based on what you’ve seen so far?
As it stands currently, I will be going for the PlayStation 4 instead.
Does this mean you think the PS4 is the better system?
Not necessarily. As it stands right now, they actually look pretty similar. From the tech specs that have been released as of now, they look pretty comparatively powerful and several of the features of each system seem pretty exciting.
Then why choose the PS4 over the Xbox One?
The first HD console to get its hooks into me was the PS3. Since then I’ve accrued a decent amount of trophies, have a good stable of friends and have gotten very familiar with most of the exclusive franchises for the system. It’s not about me finding one superior to the other, it’s more my existing relationship that had me leaning in that direction initially. With both sides being fairly equal, I’d prefer to stay with the console I have more invested in.
Is there any way you’d consider an Xbox One?
Sure. I have yet to see what exclusive titles are going to be available for the system and if there’ll be some amazing stuff, I could definitely see myself picking it up down the road. I currently own a 360 and enjoy playing some of the great exclusives for it. The most disappointing thing about this reveal was that there was nothing at that show geared towards me as a person who loves games. I’m sure they’ll have much more to show come E3, but unless they show something mind-blowing, I’ll probably be able to be satisfied with a PS4 for a while.
How about things like used game protection, online verification and always connected cameras?
To be fair, most of these things are going to be a reality on the PS4. I don’t like the used game protections at all, but it’s likely not going to prevent me from getting the next gen systems. Online verification doesn’t seem like a huge deal until you have that one moment where you’d really like to play a game, but your internet is down. As for the camera, if they’re spying on me, I only pity what they have to see when I have a day off.
Well, frankly, I think you look stunning.
Why thank you kind sir, but it seems we’re straying from the main topic.
Sorry about that, so what would be your recommendation to people out there?
My first recommendation is to wait and see. With E3 less than 3 weeks away, you’re about to be showered with exciting announcements and new games to play. Don’t throw your full weight into any particular corner just yet because the details really just aren’t out there yet.
Any final thoughts?
When it really comes down to it, I always love it when new hardware enters the arena. It’s easy to wrapped up in battles to decide which is the best so that you can validate your purchase, but when it comes down to it, the real fun is getting to be among the first to experience new technology. Games are about fun, so try not to get too enveloped in all the drama that is always associated with these kinds of launches.